Located in the heart of Tampa
Family Of Christ was built on the foundation of God and the values outlined by Jesus Christ.
Family of Christ is here to spread the love of Christ and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Located in the heart of Tampa, Family of Christ was built on the foundation of God and the values outlined by Jesus Christ. We are about connecting people, growing faith, and ministering to others in the name of Jesus. Our mission is to love and serve God, by bringing all people into His family and to love and care for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our Mission
We are people who by faith see ourselves as a family created by the love and grace of Jesus. In every aspect of ministry and life the focus of what we do, is done in the name of Jesus and in thanks to Him. He is the one who calls us brothers and sisters and makes us that through the cross. He is the light in the darkness and the reason for this church’s existence.
The Church Mentality
Our church is solely focused on the proclamation of the love of Jesus Christ in the community, because we believe that brothers and sisters in unity can be a powerful force in furthering the word of God. It is our priority to welcome all those seeking truth into our doors for the opportunity to be saved. Our Lutheran beliefs provide us with the ability to focus greatly on powerful scripture and faith in forgiveness for all. We believe there is no greater gift than putting the love of Christ in the hearts of those in our community.
Outside Our Walls
Not only do we care deeply for the members of our church, we believe that worship is possible no matter the environment. Often, it seems, that those who need the love of God most are those outside the walls of our church. It is because of this that we focus greatly on service to our community involving yearly mission trips, homeless ministry, donations to areas in distress, and many others.
Family Groups for All Ages
Bible Study/Worship
The Sunday Bible Study is a short class which focuses on the weekly scripture readings in our bulletins emphasizing how we apply scripture to our everyday lives by discussing current events, historical applications, our church ministries and how to live as Christ-centered individuals in our communities and families.
Youth Group
Middle and high school is a time of transition which makes it a critical time for their parents and the church to help guide them through the transition and build them up in their faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we offer many programs for young adults to make new friends, form relationships, and develop essential values that help them transition into the type of person who can handle the new responsibilities ahead of them.
VPK to 5th Grade
Kidz Praise is our Wednesday night worship time for children in VPK to 5th grade. We meet in the first building on Campus (CDC building) from 6:30 – 8 pm for a pizza dinner, games, activities and worship time. We encourage the children in our group to bring a friend to learn about God’s love for them.
Life Groups
Outside of church adults can:
- Meet for weekly golf trips
- Enjoy a book club
- Have a fishing outing
- Join our leadership or band
- Volunteering
Are you ready to change your life through the spirit and mind of Jesus Christ?
If you are a person who seeks Gods love or looks to understand the wisdom of the Bible, someone who is ready to let God take control, a lost man ready to be found, someone looking for an inspiring story, or just someone seeking new knowledge, than Family Of Christ is the place for you.